The Microscopic MinuteĀ 

a Pocket Pathologist Blog
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Ventral Neck Swelling in a Dog: A Beautiful Spitty Mess!

I'm back to share a cool case I had this week with Pocket Pathologist telecytology service! 

This sample is from a 13 year old dog who has a soft swelling in his ventral neck area.


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When Good Cells Go Bad: Acute Leukemia Diagnosis in the ER

According to my ER veterinarian husband, one of the benefits of being married to a clinical pathologist is you get free fly-by cyto reads. 

He's working overnights in the ER this week. It's...

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Excuse Me...There Aren't Supposed to be That Many Mast Cells in a Lymph Node

Check out this scary lymph node cytology!

This is an FNA from a regional lymph node in a dog that had a nearby mast cell tumor. The vet aspirated the node to check for metastases....and metastases...

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This Cat Has WILD Skin Lesions - Spoiler Alert: It's a Fungal Infection!

I got this case through my Pocket Pathologist telecytology service recently and I've been dying to share it with you. 

This is an FIV+, outdoor tom cat that showed up 3 weeks ago...

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When Mast Cell Tumors Play Hide-and-Seek

This case right here demonstrates just how important cytology is...

10 year old dog with a soft subcutaneous mass.

Submission form: "Suspect lipoma."

Cytology: Nope!

I'm *so* glad this awesome vet...

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Lipoma vs. Liposarcoma: How to Tell the Difference

I get asked this question a lot

How does fat from a lipoma look different than a liposarcoma?

Well, wonder no more, because I have a handy little graphic I whipped up to share with you!...

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